Lara regularly shares her insights and knowledge on a variety of topics with the intention of
inspiring, empowering and creating real change in the lives of others.

Some of these topics include:
- Power, purpose & presence
- Routines for success
- Positive energy
- Increasing productivity
- Maximising performance
- Mindset & focus
- Time optimisation
- Wellness & self-care practices
- Creating work-life balance

To enquire about engaging Lara for a keynote presentation for your organisation or team,
please submit an enquiry here.


Lara Nercessian is a renowned mindset and executive coach. She possesses a
background in Psychology, 15+ year’s experience working in executive positions for
large organisations with a focus on overseeing the people and culture strategies, and
working with individuals and teams to unlock their potentiality.

Lara works with organisations, executives, business leaders and teams on some of the
following areas:
Creating success with spaciousness
Enhancing performance with emotional intelligence
 Unleashing team and individual potentiality and performance
 Elite routines, productivity and time management strategies
Building self-trust and confidence
Executive communication skills
Purpose, presence & personal impact
Personal accountability

To enquire about engaging Lara for private mentorship or customised coaching for your
organisation or team, please submit an enquiry here


Lara’s impact on be goes beyond words. She has a unique gift for seeing potential and guiding decisive action. Lara’s energy has transformed my perspective on critical life aspects—money, relationships, boundaries, revealing the facade of perfectionism, mastering productivity, and the art of true relaxation. Her guidance empowers me to pursue goals with ease and laser focus.

If you are a woman who knows she is here to do extraordinary things but feels stuck or overwhelmed, Lara’s work is exactly what you need. Lara has a remarkable ability to connect deeply and provide tailored guidance that resonates on a personal level. Lara creates a safe and empowering space where you can explore your potential, overcome your fears, and take meaningful action toward your aspirations.

- Mallory Formosa

The changes I’ve experienced externally are a direct reflection of the internal shifts Lara has helped me navigate. I’ve found myself surrounded by strong, supportive relationships, received higher levels of compensation for my work, and experienced unexpected abundance flowing into my life. Lara has shown me that luxury isn’t just about material possessions but about valuing myself enough to choose quality over quantity in every aspect of my life.

Every interaction with Lara, leaves me feeling inspired and empowered, ready to tackle whatever challenges come my way. I am immensely grateful to have Lara in my world. With Lara’s support, I know that the possibilities are endless, and I can’t wait to see what magic we create together next.

- Indiana Holley

After working and being in Lara’s world for over a year, I have learned how to truly prioritize myself, set boundaries with grace, step into another level of communication, leadership, and presence at work and in my relationships. I have worked through challenges of my procrastination and perfectionism, and finally, I have taken action on projects that have been on hold for years. I have refocused on what’s important and am now in the process of finalizing and launching my program in the women’s health and wellness space, which I’m so proud of.

With Lara’s help and tremendous support, I have finally believed in myself and followed through to make it happen.

- Alyona Iljuhhina

I would highly recommend Lara for anyone who is looking to up level all areas of their life and who are ready for transformation. Lara is an extraordinary coach and embodies everything she teaches. I’m now showing up in a different way, am vibrating at a higher frequency and attracting a different caliber of people into my life.

I’m now a happier and healthier woman and have up-leveled all areas of my life. Working with Lara has been invaluable. This has been the best investment in me that I have ever made. 

- Lorraine Poushin