“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.” – Tony Robbins. 2020 has been one of the most disruptive and challenging years yet. Many of us experienced significant chaos, disruption and uncertainty. Our plans came to an abrupt hold. Businesses closed down. People have lost their jobs and livelihoods. Many individuals experienced isolation, loneliness and adversity. It truly has been a difficult year, and I am yet to meet anyone who is leaving 2020 completely unscathed. At the end of last year, I wrote an article which spoke to my intentions for 2020. I wrote the following: As […]


December 21, 2020

Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 2020

Beautiful Life

As the most disruptive, challenging and turbulent year of our lives finally comes to a close, I take time to look back and reflect on the five biggest lessons I’ve learned, whether I was ready for them or not. No matter who you are, what you do or where you’re from, chances are you’ve been through some adversity in 2020. Businesses have faltered, we’ve been in lockdown, and many people have lost their livelihoods in this once-in-a-lifetime event. As we emerge from this uniquely challenging moment in history, we should all take a moment to not only assess the damage, but to recognise how we’ve been changed for the better.  In this […]


December 15, 2020

Podcast: Solo Episode On 5 Key Lessons I’ve Learned From 2020 (Episode 29)

Key Lessons 2020

How to maximise the last 60 days of 2020. “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” – Paul. J. Meyer. 2020 has been an unusually challenging year. There have been more disruptions to our routines than ever before, and it has been very easy for many of us to be thrown off-course. I am a firm believer that with clear intention, planning and focused effort, there is a lot that can be accomplished in 60 days. You can either write-off the rest of the year and wait for 01 January 2021 to roll around, or you can […]

Career, Organisation

October 25, 2020

How To Maximise The Last 60 Days Of 2020

Maximise 2020

How I’m getting the most out of the new year. “Make your life a masterpiece. Imagine no limitations on what you can be, have and do.” – Brian Tracy. It’s the start of a new month, new year and new decade! The past year has been full of growth, opportunities, challenges, many highs and many lows. As I reflect on the past year my heart is full of gratitude for all the goodness in my life. And as I think about entering into this new decade, I’m excited for the future. I always like to take some time out to ask myself important questions and ensure that I’m on track […]

Career, Personal Development

January 10, 2020

How I’m Getting The Most Out Of The New Year

new year

How I’m getting organised for 2020. “The key is not to prioritise what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen Covey. 2019 has been a huge year of personal growth and development for me. I invested in myself in more ways than ever before. I started working with a coach on delivering powerful presentations. Attended numerous business and personal development events. I conquered my fears. Started a podcast. Optimised my routine and schedule. Read one personal development book per month. Listened to at least 3 podcasts per week. I made some tough decisions. I stood my ground. And most importantly, I realised the true power that lives […]


December 1, 2019

How I’m Getting Organised For 2020

Productive home