Image source: Creating the Muse Magazine “The Uplevel Experience Retreat has been more than just a weekend getaway—it had been a journey of transformation, connection, and empowerment, reminding us of the limitless possibilities that await when we dare to dream and believe in ourselves.” – Indiana Holley, Founder & Creative Director of Creating The Muse Magazine Earlier this year, I hosted an exclusive in-person retreat for my highly coveted Uplevel Experience Community. The retreat took place at Bask at Loves Bay, and was a magical weekend filled with connection, community and celebration. Extraordinary, powerful and ambitious women travelled from all over the country to spend the weekend together, and to […]

Career, Personal Development

September 24, 2024

A Magnificent & Memorable Retreat Hosted Exclusively For The Uplevel Experience Community

The Uplevel Experience Retreat

5 Ways To Bring Inner Peace Into Your Life. “If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. As soon as you honour the present moment, unhappiness and struggle will dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out of the present moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care and love – even the most simple action.” – Eckhart Tolle. As I have continued to invest in myself and my personal development, one of, if not the most important aspects has been working on being more present, and bringing inner peace into my life. Gone are […]


June 21, 2020

5 Ways To Bring Inner Peace Into Your Life

Inner Peace Boss in Heels

3 Strategies To Seriously Make A Mark In Your Career. “Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.” – John Maxwell. A lot has happened for me in the past 10 years of my career. The 2010s took me from a shy university graduate with no real world experience, sitting on the filing room floor of my first HR role. To 2020, a confident woman who’s taken control of her life and career, running HR for corporations, started her own business and coaching others on how to do the same. Let me clear on one thing – this […]


February 24, 2020

3 Strategies To Seriously Make A Mark In Your Career


How to make 2020 your most productive year yet. “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer. In today’s digital world, we are busier than we’ve ever been before. Between managing stressful jobs, running businesses, maintaining a social media presence, working out, cooking, cleaning, looking after families etc. it’s no wonder we are exhausted by the time the weekend comes around. It’s equally important to note that we make time for the things that are important to us. As Debbie Millman said, “busy is a decision.” We are now living in a society that […]

Career, Personal Development

February 3, 2020

How To Make 2020 Your Most Productive Year Yet


How to develop an unstoppable mindset and achieve self-mastery. “One can have no smaller or greater mastery of oneself”- Leonardo da Vinci Many talented people have gone unnoticed because they have not taken the time to invest, motivate or make the relevant changes necessary to bring their talent into the universe. It takes a significant level of effort, sacrifice and discipline in order to achieve self-mastery. So how does one develop an unstoppable mindset and achieve self-mastery? You can start by taking the following steps: 1. REVIEW YOUR CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES How do you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in terms of your success, mental capabilities, health, happiness and your […]

Career, Personal Development

January 27, 2020

How To Develop An Unstoppable Mindset & Achieve Self-Mastery


“When you don’t keep your word, you lose credibility.” – Robin Sharma. Whether it comes to business or your personal life, there is something to be said about those who are able to keep their word. We live in a world where empty promises and consequently disappointment, are far too frequent of an occurrence. The moment you start to follow through with the agreements you make to others and to yourself, is the moment you start to see yourself as someone who honours their word. And that is what creates true self-confidence. There are a few factors to consider when it comes to becoming a woman of your word: 1. […]

Career, Personal Development

January 19, 2020

What It Takes To Become A Woman Of Your Word


How I’m getting the most out of the new year. “Make your life a masterpiece. Imagine no limitations on what you can be, have and do.” – Brian Tracy. It’s the start of a new month, new year and new decade! The past year has been full of growth, opportunities, challenges, many highs and many lows. As I reflect on the past year my heart is full of gratitude for all the goodness in my life. And as I think about entering into this new decade, I’m excited for the future. I always like to take some time out to ask myself important questions and ensure that I’m on track […]

Career, Personal Development

January 10, 2020

How I’m Getting The Most Out Of The New Year

new year

Why You Should Treat Yourself This Christmas. “All of us can improve the quality of our lives if we practice the art of self-care and and train our minds to think thoughts that make us feel good.” – Louise Hay. Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. It’s a time to come together, celebrate and create moments and memories with our loved ones. I am a generous person by nature and always think about how I can give my best to those around me. Whether it is being generous with my time, or buying beautiful gifts for others, I love doing what I can to make others […]


December 15, 2019

Why You Should Treat Yourself This Christmas


How I Spend Every Saturday. “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” – Paul. J. Meyer. Having a solid and consistent routine is something that I cherish. I love the days where I rise early and accomplish so much before 9am. It’s days like this where I truly feel like an unstoppable force! I’ve often spoken about and have previously shared my morning and nightly routines. However, one thing that I have not previously shared in detail is how I spend every Saturday. I wanted to write this post as I often receive questions as to how […]

Career, Organisation

December 9, 2019

How I Spend Every Saturday


“You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make.” – Gordon B. Hinckley. I’ve always been fascinated by what people are willing to sacrifice, or not sacrifice, in order to get ahead in life. I’ve come across many people who have big dreams and big goals, but don’t necessarily have the stomach to do what it takes. There are certain things which I’m absolutely not willing to sacrifice and those include my health, happiness, peace, family (and a handful of close friends I consider to be family), my values and morals. However, there […]


November 19, 2019

What I’m Willing To Sacrifice To Get Ahead

What I Learned At Marie Forleo Live. “The world needs that special gift that only you have.” – Marie Forleo As many of you would know, I’m really passionate about self-learning and investing in my personal development. Last week I had the privilege of attending Marie Forleo Live in Sydney. Marie Forleo is someone who I seriously look up to and whose career I admire. As a born and raised Jersey girl with nothing more than a passion, a laptop and a dream, Marie Forleo has created a digital empire that inspires millions across the world. She is a #1 New York Times Best Selling Author, the star of the […]

Personal Development

November 4, 2019

What I Learned At Marie Forleo Live


“To be calm is the highest achievement of the self.” – Zen Proverb. One of the things I’ve constantly strived to achieve is a sense of calm and order in my life. Being organised is something which has innately been me. However, being more calm is something which has required practice and effort. I’ve always admired those who are able to remain calm amongst chaos. Remaining calm irrespective of whether you are in the workplace, home or in any personal relationship is a huge competitive advantage. It is a skill, and a valuable one one at that. In this article, I share the key practices I’ve put in place to […]

Organisation, Wellness

October 13, 2019

How I Create Calm & Order In My Life


How I Manage My Side Hustle & A Full-Time Job. “It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.” – Lou Holtz. I have been juggling multiple priorities for as long as I can remember. One of the things I’m most frequently asked, is how I manage a side hustle with a demanding full-time job. One of the things I have learned is that there is a real difference between being busy and productive. In order to effectively manage a side hustle, you need to focus on being productive. In this article, I share the key strategies I’ve put in place to be able to […]


October 6, 2019

How I Manage My Side Hustle & A Full-Time Job

Side Hustle

5 Powerful Ways I’ve Invested In Myself. “It’s never a waste of time or money to invest in yourself, no matter what the source. True wealth begins inwards and emits its light outward into everything else, including the people you surround yourself with.” – Investing in myself is the best investment I’ve ever made. Since making a conscious effort to invest in my personal development, my life has gotten better in every way imaginable. I’ve excelled in my career, my confidence has increased and the quality of my relationships have improved. Since experiencing the benefits of investing in myself first hand, I wanted to share 5 powerful ways I’ve […]

Personal Development

September 1, 2019

5 Powerful Ways I’ve Invested In Myself


5 Life Hacks I Use To Make Every Day Run Smoother “Either you run the day, or the day runs you” – Jim Rohn. Every morning when we wake up we are presented with two choices – to wake up and chase our dreams or to continue to press the snooze button. I personally strive for the former. My days are most productive when I rise early and decide it’s going to be a good day. It’s days like this where I truly feel I’m an unstoppable force! There have been a few life hacks I’ve put in place in over the past couple of years to make every day […]


July 7, 2019

5 Life Hacks I Use To Make Every Day Run Smoother

Life Hacks

My Nightly Routine: 5 Things I Do To Wind Down After A Tough Day. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but. habit” – Aristotle. Having a solid and structured morning routine is something which I pride myself on. I love to rise early, workout and invest in my personal development, all before my work day has even begun. At some point however, I realised that I simply wasn’t putting any effort into planning my nightly routine. I’ve since learned through personal experience and from research, that nightly routines can be equally important when it comes to priming ourselves for success. Having a consistent and […]


June 2, 2019

My Nightly Routine: 5 Things I Do To Wind Down After A Tough Day

Nightly routine

Making Positive & Lasting First Impressions. “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” – Will Rogers. Have you ever laid eyes on someone and immediately made judgments about the kind of person they are? Well, we regularly make these types of assumptions, but we may not spend time asking ourselves why. Our brains make snap judgements about people within 30 seconds of meeting them. It starts before they even open their mouths. Psychological studies from Oregon State University show the first 30 seconds of an interview often determines whether the person gets hired or not. You can make first impressions in a way that gives you leverage in […]

Career, Personal Development

March 22, 2019

Making First Impressions: 5 Things I Do To Put My Best Foot Forward

Chaotic corporate environments

Strategies for Managing Stress & Information Overwhelm. “Pressure can burst a pipe, or pressure can make a diamond.”- Robert Horry I am a self-proclaimed perfectionist. I pride myself on delivering a high standard of work and like to say ‘yes’ to taking on new challenges and opportunities. Whilst this characteristic can often act as a great motivator, it often results in me burning the candle at both ends. A demanding and stressful full-time job, managing my blog, working on on personal projects and the demands of daily life have often left me feeling stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed. Managing stress and overwhelm in everyday life is vital for maintaining your overall […]

Organisation, Personal Development, Wellness

February 22, 2019

My Best Strategies For Managing Stress & Information Overwhelm


How I Went From Extreme Shyness To Overcoming My Fears. “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” – Vincent van Gogh. Have you ever sat in a meeting and had something important to say, but held yourself back at the risk of sounding ‘stupid?’ Have you ever wanted to say yes to an opportunity, but talked yourself out of it? Or perhaps you’ve avoided a social situation at the risk of feeling awkward or uncomfortable? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re not alone. In fact, many of us have allowed feelings of shyness or fear get in the way of reaching […]

Personal Development

February 15, 2019

How I Went From Extreme Shyness to Overcoming Fears


How To Push Forward You’re Feeling Overwhelmed or Unfocused. “Where focus goes, energy flows”- Tony Robbins.  “Being overwhelmed is often as unproductive as doing nothing and is far more unpleasant. Being selective- doing less- is the path of productive. Focus on the important few and ignore the rest”- Tim Ferriss. I recently read Tim Ferris’ book Tribe of Mentors, and it was packed full of tools, tactics and habits from 130+ of the world’s top performers. From iconic entrepreneurs, to elite athletes, from artists to billionaire investors, their short profiles contained knowledge and wisdom to help answer some of life’s most challenging questions, achieve extraordinary results and transform your life. […]

Personal Development, Wellness

December 16, 2018

How To Push Forward When You Feel Overwhelmed Or Unfocused


5 Powerful Reasons I Started My Own Personal Development Journey “Commit yourself to lifelong learning. The most valuable asset you’ll ever have is your mind and what you put into it”- Brian Tracy. “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious” Albert Einstein. Investing in my personal development has been one of the most powerful and worthwhile investments I’ve made. I always used to play it safe and follow a path that was prescribed for me. The only way I saw to define success was to get good grades, go to university and get a good job. But I’ve come to realise that there is so much more […]

Personal Development

December 8, 2018

5 Powerful Reasons I Started My Personal Development Journey

Personal Development

5 Effective Ways I Stay On Top Of Life Admin. Life Admin. It’s one of those buzz words that constantly gets thrown around, yet something we rarely seem to stay on top of. The endless list of bills to pay, appointments to make and errands to run constantly seems to grow. So why is it that we can never seem to get on top of our life admin? Well, research shows that the average adult carries our 109 life admin task per year. A significant portion of our time is now spent completing mundane tasks such as sorting out car insurance, changing bank accounts, booking appointments and completing tax returns. Between balancing a demanding […]


December 1, 2018

5 Effective Ways I Stay On Top Of Life Admin

Life Admin

5 Lessons From Jim Rohn On How To Achieve Anything You Want “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse”- Jim Rohn.  Jim Rohn was America’s foremost business philosopher. Widely recognised as a personal development legend, Jim Rohn possessed the unique ability to bring extraordinary insights to ordinary principles and events. Whilst he passed away many years ago, his success philosophies and influence continue to have worldwide impact. As someone who dedicates a significant portion of their time to personal development, it’s no surprise that Jim Rohn’s philosophies and principles are something which have shaped and influenced my mindset and behaviour. […]

Career, Personal Development

November 25, 2018

5 Lessons From Jim Rohn On How To Achieve Anything You Want

Jim Rohn

The 3 Steps I Took To Take Control of My Life. “If you don’t turn your life into a story, you just become a part of someone else’s story.”- Terry Pratchett. “If someone isn’t what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own”- Paulo Coelho. I have always been the kind of person who has aimed to meet, and exceed, other people’s expectations. I have always prided myself on certain qualities, such as keeping peace and harmony amongst my professional and social circles and saying ‘yes’ only not […]

Personal Development

November 18, 2018

3 Steps I Took To Take Control Of My Life

Control of Life- Boss in Heels

Key lessons I learned from Edwin Arroyave on how to adopt an unstoppable mindset. “My dream was bigger than any excuse I could have ever given myself”- Edwin Arroyave.  For those of you who read my blog post last week, you may know that I’ve become hooked on the new Success Resources podcast. It is packed full of value, knowledge and insights from some pretty impressive and powerful guests. Well, this week was no different as Jake Nicolle interviewed Edwin Arroyave, founder of Skyline Security (a professional service installation company for home security and automation). Oh, and for any of my fellow Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fans? Edwin just happens to […]

Career, Personal Development

November 14, 2018

Edwin Arroyave: How To Adopt An Unstoppable Mindset


Olivia Carr: How to Get Millions Worth of Marketing for Free. “Always say yes and work out the how later”- Olivia Carr. Every wondered how people turn an idea into a million dollar product in just a few short years? Well, Olivia Carr, founder of ShhhSilk managed to do just that. The Melbourne-based entrepreneur, award-winning business woman and mum of two has proven that she knows exactly what it takes to launch a prestige brand. She has also managed to gain free endorsement from the likes of the Kardashians and achieve global domination. Olivia launched her brand in 2015 after realising that she couldn’t find quality, silk pillowcases to sleep […]


November 10, 2018

Olivia Carr: How To Get Millions Worth Of Marketing For Free

Olivia Carr

Why Complaining is Causing you More Harm than you Think. “Complaining is draining. Complaining only takes away energy from today and never solves the problems for tomorrow.”- James Altucher.  “A complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart”- William Arthur Ward.”  At one point or another, I’m pretty certain we have all caught ourselves complaining. Perhaps it was venting to your friend over coffee about how much you hate your boss, or that you are tired from working 40 hours per week, or perhaps it was the slow (but free) wifi. Whatever it may be, negative energy and complaining can easily infiltrate your space. Sure, it may feel as though venting provides […]

Personal Development

October 27, 2018

Why Complaining Is Causing You More Harm Than You Think


“Entitlement and lack of patience are the frameworks as to why people aren’t successful.”- Gary Vaynerchuck  “1% of things should be so hard that 99% of people don’t want it or have the stomach or talent for it.”- Gary Vaynerchuck Last week I attended Success Squared, an event run by and for next level entrepreneurs. Led by the uncontested pioneer in the digital marketing space, Gary Vaynerchuck, this event was packed full of knowledge and information shared by leading entrepreneurs. The day finished with me sneaking in a selfie with Gary Vee himself, which sealed the deal for what was already an incredible and inspirational day. In this blog post, I share […]

Career, Personal Development

October 20, 2018

Key Learnings from Gary Vaynerchuck & Other Successful Entrepreneurs

Gary Vaynerchuck

3 Steps to Overcoming Procrastination. Procrastination (noun). “A mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.”  Procrastination is the thief of time.”- Edward Young. We’ve all been culprits to procrastination at one point or another. Perhaps it was putting off a university assignment, completing a project at work or making a simple phone call. Procrastination is something which rears its ugly head and affects us in our personal and professional lives. You may be thinking that you’ve gotten by in life just fine by procrastinating. Sure, you may have been susceptible to added stress as you were running through the university gates with 30 seconds […]

Organisation, Personal Development

October 14, 2018

3 Steps to Overcoming Procrastination

Overcome procrastination

5 Steps to Overcome Bad Habits & Achieve Your Goals. “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals- Henry David Thoreau. Have you ever had a goal or wanted to acquire something, but given up because it all became too hard? Have you ever developed some bad habits which have prevented you from living the life you deserve? Achieving goals and overcoming bad habits can be challenging, however it’s important to note that most things worth doing aren’t easy. I have spent the last 12-18 months researching and understanding the daily routines and habits of successful professionals and entrepreneurs. […]

Career, Personal Development

September 9, 2018

5 Steps to Overcome Bad Habits & Achieve Your Goals

Putting your best foot forward

5 Steps to Design a Remarkable Life “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”- Jim Rohn. We spend a significant portion of our time designing. We design our homes, we design our work schedules, and we even design our feeds for the gram. But how much time do we really invest when it comes to designing our own lives? Up until recently, I spent much of my time doing, and not really questioning. Were the decisions I made in my life carefully considered, or was I simply making decisions based on […]

Career, Personal Development

September 2, 2018

5 Steps To Design A Remarkable Life


The Questions That Changed My Life. “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.”- Albert Einstein “There are years that ask questions and years that answer”- Nora Neale Hurston. Over the years, I’ve started to become more conscious and aware of my actions and decisions. Much of our lives are pre-programmed for us. Graduate from high school, complete a degree at university, get a well paid job, take out a mortgage and spend the next 30 years working to pay it off. And only when we retire, do we have the money and resources to be able to travel and life […]

Personal Development

August 5, 2018

3 Questions That Changed My Life


“Decisions. We can think about things, turn them over in our minds a million times, play out possible scenarios. But when it really comes down to it, you have to go with your heart and move forward. Maybe things will go well. Maybe they’ll turn out poorly. Every decision brings with it some good, some bad, some lessons and some luck. The only thing that’s for sure is that indecision steals many years from many people who wind up wishing they’d just had the courage to leap.”- Doe Zantamata Lately, I’ve found myself at a cross-roads more often than not. As an indecisive Libran, I have often found it difficult […]

Personal Development

July 29, 2018

How I Work Through Difficult Decisions


How to Rid Your Life of Negativity. “Let go of the people who dull your shine, poison your spirit and bring you drama. Cancel your subscription to their issues.”- Steve Maraboli “Life is a Reflection of what you think. If your thoughts are negative, the world you see will be the same.”- Leon Brown At one point or another, I’m pretty certain we have all unwittingly allowed negative energy to infiltrate our space. There are some individuals who simply thrive off of it. Negativity is all around us and it doesn’t necessarily present itself in the most obvious way. In fact, I have been friends with people for years, before I […]

Personal Development, Relationships

July 13, 2018

Positive Mind, Positive Life: 3 Ways To Rid Your Life of Negativity


How I Doubled My Salary & Fast-Tracked My Career within 3 Years. “Be so good they can’t ignore you”– Steve Martin. One of the questions I’m frequently asked is how I managed to get started in my career and climb the corporate ladder. I recall being a university graduate with almost no industry experience. When I graduated from uni I did not have any mentors or anyone to give me advice. All I had was my laptop, the internet and which at that time, was my best friend. I applied for 100+ jobs until I finally landed an interview with a reputable cosmetics company. With my very minimal experience, the […]


July 1, 2018

How I Doubled My Salary In 3 Years

Boss in Heels

5 Ways to Overcome Monday Blues & Own the Day. “If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self”– Napoleon Hill. By the time Monday morning rolls around, I am usually on my commute into work when my Instagram feed floods with posts about Monday Blues. “This is the Mondayest Monday that ever Mondayed” or “Keep calm and pretend it’s not Monday” quotes saturate my feed. Monday blues are so prevalent, that it has become a cultural phenomenon and a topic of conversation to be had whilst waiting in the Monday morning coffee line. I am the first to admit that I haven’t always enjoyed Mondays. In fact, I […]

Career, Personal Development

June 23, 2018

5 Ways to Overcome Monday Blues & Own the Day

Enjoy Monday

Jane Anderson is Australia’s leading personal branding expert, author of five books, certified speaker and mentor to industry leaders. Jane has helped over 50,000 people to build their personal brand. She has worked for personally branded businesses since she was 14 years old and has been featured on Sky Business, The Today Show, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, BBC & Management Today. As a well-respected business growth mentor and industry leader, things have not always been as easy and glamorous as would seem. Just 10 years ago, Jane found herself divorced, jobless and living at home with her parents. Rather than becoming a victim of her circumstances, Jane turned […]


June 17, 2018

Jane Anderson: Personal Branding Mentor to Experts Earning $500K+

Jane Anderson

How to Achieve Morning Mastery & Conquer the Day. “Either you run the day or the day runs you”- Jim Rohn “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job”- Jim Rohn So, you’re interested in becoming a morning person? Let me start by saying I used to be one of those people who dreaded waking up early. I used to snooze my alarm not once, not twice, but at least 3-4 times before I could open my eyes enough to see that I had slept way past what I should have. Admittedly, I developed some bad habits where I had to scramble to get myself into shower and […]

Organisation, Personal Development

June 10, 2018

How to Achieve Morning Mastery & Conquer the Day

wellness rituals

For those of you who have been following me for a while now, you know how much I value and believe in self-care. It is so important to take time out of your busy schedule to focus on you and your needs. I find this is particularly important for career women, mums and those super-mums who somehow find a way to do it all! As much as I love to live a busy lifestyle, taking time out is necessary for the mind, body and soul. Here are a few things I like to when I need to take some time out for myself and indulge in a little self-care: 1. […]


June 2, 2018

5 Ways to Develop a Self-Care Routine


How to Prioritise Like a Pro & Win the Day! “You don’t need more time in your day. You just need to decide”- Seth Godin. Have you ever felt like you can’t get on top of your workload and priorities? Does your never-ending to-do list continue to grow and expand? Do you constantly feel stressed and overwhelmed? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this may be the article for you! Managing work flow and priorities will result in increased productivity and reduced stress. So, what is the key for how to prioritise like a pro and win the day? Read my top 5 tips below: 1. […]

Career, Organisation

May 26, 2018

How to Prioritise Like a Pro & Win the Day!


5 Ways to Become a More Confident Person. “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within”- Maya Angelou What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you see a Super Woman ready to conquer the world? If the answer is no and you don’t believe you are capable of conquering the world, then there’s no way you ever will. Confidence is often described as the single most attractive quality a person can possess. How can anyone else see how great you are if you fail to see it within yourself? The goods news is, there are some practices that one can adopt in order to […]

Personal Development, Relationships

May 17, 2018

5 Ways to Become a More Confident Person

5 Ways to be more confident

How to Dress for Success “You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.” – Zig Ziglar First impressions are everything. Whether you’re looking to get out there and land your dream job or up your game in your current role, first impressions should never be underrated. So how exactly do you put your best food forward in the style game? Here is what some iconic women have shared on dressing well: MICHELLE OBAMA “First and foremost, I wear what I love. That’s what women have to focus on: what makes them happy and what makes them feel comfortable and beautiful. If I can have any […]


May 12, 2018

Power Dressing: How to Dress for Success

Elevate life

Ex-Corporate Accountant, Woman Weightlifting Champion and Entrepreneur, Parisa Hayeri, is an inspiration and a force not to be reckoned with! I recently sat down with Parisa in her Sydney based gym, CrossFit 168- Kingsgrove, to talk all things business, weightlifting and future goals! 1. FIRST THINGS FIRST, HOW DID YOU ESTABLISH YOUR BUSINESS? WHAT GAVE YOU THE CONFIDENCE TO START AND HOW DID YOU KNOW THE TIMING WAS RIGHT? I started my business in 2016. Prior to this I was running a similar business with two partners for three years. When the partnership came to an end I knew I wanted to stay in the industry and was even more […]


April 29, 2018

Meet Parisa Hayeri: Woman Weightlifting Champion & Entrepreneur

Woman Weighlifting

Let’s talk productivity. People often ask me “How can I be more productive?” I certainly do not have all the answers, however I am always happy to share my knowledge and insights with you, so long as they continue to add value! Being effective and productive are necessary attributes in order for me to accomplish the demands that come from managing a challenging and stressful full-time job, consultancy work, planning a wedding (although not mine this time round!), managing a blog and working out 5-6 times per week!  My TOP 5 TIPS TO HAVE THE MOST PRODUCTIVE DAY: 1. UTILISE TO-DO LISTS Make sure you utilise a to-do list and […]

Career, Organisation

April 21, 2018

5 Tips to Have the Most Productive Day

How to have a productive day

5 ways to win over your boss. Have you ever landed your dream job, only to find out your boss is not the supportive, motivating leader you thought you met during the interview? Do you feel like you are trying really hard at work, but nothing seems to be good enough? What if you heard rumours your boss was a tough nut, but you decided to take the job anyway? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this article may just be for you! Here are my top 5 tips on how do you win over your boss: 1. DO YOUR JOB, AND DO IT WELL If you […]


April 14, 2018

5 Ways to Win Over Your Boss

CEO Practices

How to Handle Failure & Rejection. Have you ever had one of those days/months/years where you just can’t seem to win? I recently experienced what I could only describe as a day of failure and rejection. I was rejected from a job opportunity I really wanted, lost a big sales opportunity I had been trying to close and missed out on buying what I thought was the perfect property at auction. Whilst these may appear to be seemingly trivial matters, I could not help but feel disheartened and disappointed. After taking a moment to wallow in my sorrows, I began to ponder over the concept of failure and rejection. Surely, […]

Career, Personal Development

April 2, 2018

How to Handle Failure & Rejection

Handle Failure Rejection

How do you start the first 60-90 minutes of your day? Do you follow a strict morning routine, or do you up snoozing, getting stuck in traffic and running late to your job? I am a big believer in following a morning routine. I like to ensure the first 60-90 minutes of my day is spent as effectively as possible.  The first 60-90 minutes of your day is your time! It is the time you have to work on your goals and dreams before you start getting distracted by emails, phone calls and other people’s to-do lists! Here are some of the morning rituals that help me win the day: 1. […]

Organisation, Wellness

March 24, 2018

How to Establish an Effective Morning Routine

Morning routine

Each year, Forbes magazine publishes their list of the world’s most powerful women. This definitive annual audit considers the heads of state, iconic entrepreneurs, CEOs, celebrity role models, billionaire activists and pioneer philanthropists, all ranked according to net worth, media momentum, influence and impact. It is no surprise then that Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Anna Wintour and Beyonce Knowles are frequent contenders, topping this chart year upon year. So what does it take to become a successful woman? There are certain universal qualities and characteristics which powerful and successful women possess, including: 1. KNOWLEDGE Successful women are knowledgeable women. They become subject matter experts in their field. They spend hours […]

Career, Personal Development

February 22, 2018

3 Qualities of Successful Women

Successful women

Writing your resume can be one of the most daunting and challenging tasks when looking for a new role. An up to date resume is something that all professionals should possess.  So how do you write a resume like a pro? Below is an outline of my key tips and items to incorporate: 1. CONTACT DETAILS Ensure your contact details are at the top of your resume. This includes your full name, number, email address and location. Full home address and DOB are not relevant and therefore not required. 2. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Outline your professional profile with a simple tag line summarising your experience and skills. For example, ‘Highly motivated […]


February 20, 2018

How to Write a Resume Like a Pro

Write a resume

How to get started in your career. Getting started in your career and the corporate world can be a very daunting stage in life. I recall being a university graduate and having absolutely no clue on how to get started in my career. I did what any other hopeful graduate would do, and applied for over 100 jobs via until I finally got called into an interview for an entry level position! To say it was one of the most disheartening stages of my life would be an understatement. Here are my top tips on how to get started in your career: 1. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO DO […]


February 19, 2018

How To Get Started In Your Career


2017 is shaping up to be the biggest and busiest year of my life. Between working 50-60 hours a week in my professional career, consulting, blogging, planning a wedding, working out daily and having some sort of social life, it is safe to say that maintaining balance in life is not always easy. Although I have multiple balls up in the air, I have developed a few life hacks to stay organised and maintain balance in my life which I will share with you below. Living a balanced life starts by: 1. Knowing your Priorities What are your goals and what are you working towards? I am a big believer […]

Organisation, Wellness

February 25, 2017

How to Live a Balanced Life

work out

5 Habits of Highly Effective People. Have you ever gotten yourself into a slump or developed some really lazy habits? Have you tried to get yourself into a good morning routine, but just can’t commit to getting yourself up that little bit earlier each morning? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. I have to admit, I started developing some pretty bad habits towards the end of last year. I was going to bed really late, snoozing my alarm multiple times and missed my gym session more often than not. By the time I made it home, I was so exhausted that all I […]

Career, Personal Development

January 29, 2017

5 Habits of Highly Effective People

Handle Failure Rejection

I recently turned 30 and could not help but think what would be some of the things I would tell my younger self. It is true what they say- turning 30 can certainly trigger some thought and reflection as to how far you have (or haven’t) come and what you should have achieved in life. I used to be so intimidated by the mere thought of turning 30. I always thought it was this monumental milestone in life which would determine my success across career, health, relationship status, money, and the list goes on. Whether I was going to be successful or not successful in life all came down to […]

Personal Development

October 8, 2016

5 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

Things I would tell my younger self

The power of the vision board. Have you ever looked around and wondered why the people around you are more successful/ intelligent/ beautiful than you? Have you ever heard someone make a comment “How did she end up with him?” “Why did he get the promotion over me?” or “How did she afford to buy that house/ car/ bag?” As human beings, feelings of insecurity, jealousy and inadequacy can quickly spiral into our biggest fear of all, failure. I admit to being a competitive person (which I think can be a good thing, when it comes to jobs or accomplishments) , however certainly not a jealous one. As a woman, […]

Career, Personal Development

September 6, 2016

The Power of the Vision Board

Jim Rohn