“Figure out what fuels your joy, then do lots of that.” – Roy Croft. It’s a rainy Saturday morning and as I sit on my lounge with my favourite candle burning, Paris cafe music playing and coffee in hand, I can’t help but to reflect upon the past 12 months. Covid has been disrupting and disorienting in many ways, however I am a believer that positive lessons can be learned throughout times of adversity. One of the biggest lessons I learned in 2020 was gaining new perspective of what is really important and to gain a sense of deep gratitude for what I have. I have learned that joy is […]

Organisation, Wellness

March 22, 2021

5 Ways I’m Bringing More Joy Into My life


One of the most impactful practices I’ve developed, is creating and instilling an elite morning routine. My days are so much more positive and productive when I rise early and spend the first couple of hours of my day investing in myself. It’s days like this where I truly feel like I am an unstoppable force! In this solo episode of the podcast, we cover: The benefits of rising early and creating an elite morning routine, and how world class performers and thought leaders including Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson utilise early morning wake up calls to gain a competitive edge. 5 strategies for training yourself to start rising early. […]

Organisation, Personal Development, Podcast, Wellness

March 6, 2021

Podcast: Solo Episode – How To Create An Elite Morning Routine & Start Rising Early (Episode 34)

Elite Morning Routine

5 Strategies I Use To Snap Out Of A Bad Day. “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” – Dolly Parton. Bad days. We’ve all had them, and I’ve certainly experienced my fair share. There are certain things which happen in life – getting cut off in traffic, being yelled at by an irate customer, unpleasant interactions… the list goes on. One thing I have learned, is that we can’t control what happens to us, however we can certainly control how we respond to it. There are a few strategies I have developed over the years to help me to […]


December 7, 2020

5 Strategies I Use To Snap Out Of A Bad Day

Bad day

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you.” – Anne Lamott. Self-care strategies to avoid end of year burnout. As the end of 2020 is fast approaching, it feels as though life is busier than ever before. The ever increasing demands of work and life are at all time high. And with 5 weeks remaining until the end of the year, many of us are anticipating taking some much needed time off to rest, recover and recharge the batteries. I have particularly been feeling more pressure to cope with the demands of my role – both in my professional career and for Boss […]


November 23, 2020

Self-Care Strategies To Avoid End Of Year Burnout


The 5 Minute Daily Practice That Has Changed My Life. “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle. I’ve always considered myself to be a grateful person. No matter what is going on in the world, I always try and see the good in every situation. I suppose you could call me an eternal optimist. This year has been particularly challenging for many of us. The world as we knew it changed overnight. Travel came to an abrupt holt. Families have been separated. People have lost their jobs, businesses and livelihoods. The level of fear and uncertainty has skyrocketed […]

Personal Development, Wellness

November 9, 2020

The 5 Minute Daily Practice That Has Changed My Life

Daily practice

Key strategies for avoiding burnout and optimising wellness. “I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” – Audre Lorde. The concept of working a 9-5, Monday-Friday work week is something which feels strangely foreign to me. For as long as I can remember, I have worked in roles that have demanded a lot of my time and energy. To add the podcast, this blog, brand partnerships, coaching and consulting on top of an already demanding full-time job could easily become a recipe for disaster. I have been working harder this past year than I ever have in my […]


October 18, 2020

Avoiding Burnout: 5 Strategies I Use to Reduce Stress, Overwhelm & Exhaustion


How my life has changed over lockdown. “True Life is Lived When Tiny Changes Occur.” – Leo Tolstoy. The past 7 months have been a disruptive period for many of us. I am yet to come across anyone whose life has been unaffected as a result of the restrictions which have been put in place, or the changes which have been made. From the very beginning, I have tried to be as positive as possible, and to see this period as an unbelievably rare time to do all of the things I have wanted to do, but have either put off completely or never seemed to have the time for. […]

Personal Development, Wellness

October 12, 2020

How My Life Has Changed Over Lockdown


Small Changes That Have Positively Impacted My Life. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle. A lot has happened over these past few months – both globally and on a personal level. Despite all the change and disruption, I have learned to remain more calm and in control. I have learned that success is not necessarily found in some big, monumental event. However it is often the result of the small, incremental habits and decisions we make on a daily basis. Having a solid and consistent routine is something which is really important to me. No matter how disruptive a […]

Personal Development, Wellness

July 14, 2020

Small Changes That Have Positively Impacted My Life

Small changes

How I Get Myself Out Of A Mid-Year Slump. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle. 2020 has well and truly been a challenging year for many of us. I am yet to come across a single person whose personal or professional life has not been impacted in some way as a result of recent events. Our plans, commitments and routines have been derailed, resulting in many of us feeling overwhelmed, anxious or simply burnt out. Despite our current circumstances, I generally like to take some time out mid-year to reassess my goals for the year. What has gone well? […]

Career, Wellness

June 29, 2020

How I Get Myself Out Of A Mid-Year Slump

Mid-year slump

5 Ways To Bring Inner Peace Into Your Life. “If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. As soon as you honour the present moment, unhappiness and struggle will dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out of the present moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care and love – even the most simple action.” – Eckhart Tolle. As I have continued to invest in myself and my personal development, one of, if not the most important aspects has been working on being more present, and bringing inner peace into my life. Gone are […]


June 21, 2020

5 Ways To Bring Inner Peace Into Your Life

Inner Peace Boss in Heels

The Exact Script I Used To Negotiate My Annual Credit Card Fee. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.” – Nora Roberts If you follow me on social media, you may have seen last week I negotiated my annual credit card fee. I am not normally one to question fees and charges, and often just pay them and move onto the next thing. But I’ve been doing a lot of work recently on my money mindset, and what money means to me. I’ve also been working on developing my negotiating skills, and am actually having a lot of fun with it. In the past, I would have been […]


June 15, 2020

The Exact Script I Used To Negotiate My Annual Credit Card Fee

Credit Card

How to Create An Elite Morning Routine. “Own your morning, elevate your life.” – Robin Sharma One of the most impactful practices I’ve developed, is creating and instilling an elite morning routine. My days are so much more positive and productive when I rise early and spend the first couple of hours of my day investing in myself. It’s days like this where I truly feel like I am an unstoppable force. Even though I am an advocate for waking up at 5am and have for some time now, it didn’t always start this way. I was never an early bird. If I had the option of choosing to wake […]


May 11, 2020

How To Create An Elite Morning Routine

Elite Morning Routine

“Your future is found in your daily routine. Successful people do daily what others do occasionally.” – Paula White. I’ve been working from home for about six or seven weeks now, and my daily routine has been well and truly disrupted. I have always prided myself on having a really positive and productive daily routine. I rise early, spend the first couple of hours in the day investing in myself physically, mentally and spiritually, and then begin my usual work day in the office. Like many others, self-isolation has resulted in my usual daily routine being disrupted. Whilst I was quick to create a new work from home routine which […]

Organisation, Wellness

May 4, 2020

How I Get Back To My Daily Routine After Disruption

Daily routine

“Life changes very quickly, in a positive way, if you let it.” – Lindsey Vonn. We have been living in very interesting and unusual times. Fear and negativity have certainly infiltrated the thoughts and lives of many. It is only when we silence our thoughts and make a conscious choice to rid our lives of negativity, that we can start to live a more positive life. Despite it all, I would say one of the greatest gifts I have given myself is to live a (mostly) positive life. I choose to focus on all the goodness around me. As Oprah so eloquently says, “What you focus on expands, and when […]


April 27, 2020

5 Practices To Live A More Positive Life


“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” – Henn J.M. Nouwen. With everything that’s been happening in the world right now, more of us are having to spend more time living and working from home. Given the hours that we are spending within our homes, it’s more important now than ever before to look for ways to create our own joy. I love spending time at home and have created a space which I love to be in. It is so important to create a space which is positive and sparks a sense of joy. There are a few […]


April 20, 2020

How I Create Joy At Home

Joy at Home

To be calm is the highest achievement of the self.” – Zen Proverb. We are living in an extraordinarily challenging, uncertain and difficult time of our lives. Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has taken the world by storm. What initially started as an outbreak in Wuhan, China has now taken over our the world, impacting our schools, workplaces, communities and lives. Whilst I am no expert on this matter and certainly don’t claim to be one, it has been fascinating to observe the spectrum of which people are handling this situation. On one end, you have those have not even batted an eyelid, and are incredibly nonchalant about the whole thing. And then […]

Personal Development, Wellness

March 21, 2020

Keeping Calm In a World Full Of Chaos

Keeping calm

Why You Should Treat Yourself This Christmas. “All of us can improve the quality of our lives if we practice the art of self-care and and train our minds to think thoughts that make us feel good.” – Louise Hay. Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. It’s a time to come together, celebrate and create moments and memories with our loved ones. I am a generous person by nature and always think about how I can give my best to those around me. Whether it is being generous with my time, or buying beautiful gifts for others, I love doing what I can to make others […]


December 15, 2019

Why You Should Treat Yourself This Christmas


How I Stay Motivated to Work Out Even When I’m Busy. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn. One of the things I’m frequently asked about is how I stay motivated to work out, even when I’m busy. I’ve always maintained an active lifestyle and working out for me has always been part of who I am and what I do. There are so many benefits to working out. Aside from the obvious physical benefits, research by Stanford University has proven that working out contributes to increased energy, elevated mood, reduced stress and better quality sleep. Despite managing a busy schedule, working […]


October 27, 2019

How I Stay Motivated To Work Out Even When I’m Busy

work out

“To be calm is the highest achievement of the self.” – Zen Proverb. One of the things I’ve constantly strived to achieve is a sense of calm and order in my life. Being organised is something which has innately been me. However, being more calm is something which has required practice and effort. I’ve always admired those who are able to remain calm amongst chaos. Remaining calm irrespective of whether you are in the workplace, home or in any personal relationship is a huge competitive advantage. It is a skill, and a valuable one one at that. In this article, I share the key practices I’ve put in place to […]

Organisation, Wellness

October 13, 2019

How I Create Calm & Order In My Life


5 Life Hacks I Use To Make Every Day Run Smoother “Either you run the day, or the day runs you” – Jim Rohn. Every morning when we wake up we are presented with two choices – to wake up and chase our dreams or to continue to press the snooze button. I personally strive for the former. My days are most productive when I rise early and decide it’s going to be a good day. It’s days like this where I truly feel I’m an unstoppable force! There have been a few life hacks I’ve put in place in over the past couple of years to make every day […]


July 7, 2019

5 Life Hacks I Use To Make Every Day Run Smoother

Life Hacks

My Nightly Routine: 5 Things I Do To Wind Down After A Tough Day. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but. habit” – Aristotle. Having a solid and structured morning routine is something which I pride myself on. I love to rise early, workout and invest in my personal development, all before my work day has even begun. At some point however, I realised that I simply wasn’t putting any effort into planning my nightly routine. I’ve since learned through personal experience and from research, that nightly routines can be equally important when it comes to priming ourselves for success. Having a consistent and […]


June 2, 2019

My Nightly Routine: 5 Things I Do To Wind Down After A Tough Day

Nightly routine

How I Avoid Burnout During A Work Week. “Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create” – Jana Kingsford. I’ve often found myself burning the candle at both ends. Between managing a demanding and stressful full-time job, my blog and other side projects, there are days where I can start to feel the signs of burnout. I am constantly in the pursuit of looking for ways to optimise my work week with still maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Self-care is incredibly important to me and something I regularly try to incorporate. There are a few key practices I have put in place to avoid burnout during the work week, […]


April 19, 2019

How I Avoid Burnout During A Work Week


“I really cherish having my private time and being alone and being able to decompress. It’s my own version of meditating.” – Tim Gunn For those of you who have been following my blog for some time now, you may know that the past 12-18 months have been an incredibly challenging time for me. This period has been full of ups and downs, several stressful life events, people I love have fallen ill, and in many ways my life has simply not gone to plan. I’ve learned that life is not so much what happens to us, but how we choose to respond to it. No matter what cards I’m […]


March 15, 2019

How I Decompress After Stressful Life Events


3 Things I Do To Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle. “To keep the body in good health is a duty… Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear” – Buddha. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is something which is incredibly important to me. I am a big advocate of maintaining a level of mental and physical health. When I work out and eat well, I feel better and I make smarter decisions. There’s nothing worse to me than making bad lifestyle decisions and then having to bear the consequences. Diet and exercise are two buzz words that are constantly thrown around- there is always the latest trend […]


March 4, 2019

3 Things I Do To Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle

Strategies for Managing Stress & Information Overwhelm. “Pressure can burst a pipe, or pressure can make a diamond.”- Robert Horry I am a self-proclaimed perfectionist. I pride myself on delivering a high standard of work and like to say ‘yes’ to taking on new challenges and opportunities. Whilst this characteristic can often act as a great motivator, it often results in me burning the candle at both ends. A demanding and stressful full-time job, managing my blog, working on on personal projects and the demands of daily life have often left me feeling stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed. Managing stress and overwhelm in everyday life is vital for maintaining your overall […]

Organisation, Personal Development, Wellness

February 22, 2019

My Best Strategies For Managing Stress & Information Overwhelm


My Morning Routine & What I Do To Win The Day. “Either you run the day or the day runs you”- Jim Rohn. My morning routine has been one of the most life-changing habits I’ve developed. I wake up at 5am, meditate, and finish my gym workout all before 6:10am. When I tell people this, they think I’m crazy. The truth is, I never used to be a morning person. In fact, I used to hate waking up early. I would prefer to stay in bed, all toasty and rugged up. Why would I want get up earlier than I had to, especially when it’s cold/ dark/ raining outside? Well, […]

Organisation, Wellness

February 1, 2019

My Morning Routine: What I Do To Win The Day

Elite Morning Routine

How To Push Forward You’re Feeling Overwhelmed or Unfocused. “Where focus goes, energy flows”- Tony Robbins.  “Being overwhelmed is often as unproductive as doing nothing and is far more unpleasant. Being selective- doing less- is the path of productive. Focus on the important few and ignore the rest”- Tim Ferriss. I recently read Tim Ferris’ book Tribe of Mentors, and it was packed full of tools, tactics and habits from 130+ of the world’s top performers. From iconic entrepreneurs, to elite athletes, from artists to billionaire investors, their short profiles contained knowledge and wisdom to help answer some of life’s most challenging questions, achieve extraordinary results and transform your life. […]

Personal Development, Wellness

December 16, 2018

How To Push Forward When You Feel Overwhelmed Or Unfocused


For those of you who have been following me for a while now, you know how much I value and believe in self-care. It is so important to take time out of your busy schedule to focus on you and your needs. I find this is particularly important for career women, mums and those super-mums who somehow find a way to do it all! As much as I love to live a busy lifestyle, taking time out is necessary for the mind, body and soul. Here are a few things I like to when I need to take some time out for myself and indulge in a little self-care: 1. […]


June 2, 2018

5 Ways to Develop a Self-Care Routine


How do you start the first 60-90 minutes of your day? Do you follow a strict morning routine, or do you up snoozing, getting stuck in traffic and running late to your job? I am a big believer in following a morning routine. I like to ensure the first 60-90 minutes of my day is spent as effectively as possible.  The first 60-90 minutes of your day is your time! It is the time you have to work on your goals and dreams before you start getting distracted by emails, phone calls and other people’s to-do lists! Here are some of the morning rituals that help me win the day: 1. […]

Organisation, Wellness

March 24, 2018

How to Establish an Effective Morning Routine

Morning routine

2017 is shaping up to be the biggest and busiest year of my life. Between working 50-60 hours a week in my professional career, consulting, blogging, planning a wedding, working out daily and having some sort of social life, it is safe to say that maintaining balance in life is not always easy. Although I have multiple balls up in the air, I have developed a few life hacks to stay organised and maintain balance in my life which I will share with you below. Living a balanced life starts by: 1. Knowing your Priorities What are your goals and what are you working towards? I am a big believer […]

Organisation, Wellness

February 25, 2017

How to Live a Balanced Life

work out