My Morning Routine & What I Do To Win The Day. “Either you run the day or the day runs you”- Jim Rohn. My morning routine has been one of the most life-changing habits I’ve developed. I wake up at 5am, meditate, and finish my gym workout all before 6:10am. When I tell people this, they think I’m crazy. The truth is, I never used to be a morning person. In fact, I used to hate waking up early. I would prefer to stay in bed, all toasty and rugged up. Why would I want get up earlier than I had to, especially when it’s cold/ dark/ raining outside? Well, […]

Organisation, Wellness

February 1, 2019

My Morning Routine: What I Do To Win The Day

Elite Morning Routine

How to Say No Gracefully. “I can’t tell you the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone” – Ed Sheeran.  The safety demonstration on any airline, on any flight route, will explicitly instruct you to do one thing – to put your own mask on before you help others. I believe this same philosophy applies to anything in life. If we don’t put ourselves first and manage our own physical and mental wellbeing, how are we going to give our best to anyone else? There are a few disciplines and practices I’ve put in place to look after myself. A big part of this […]

Personal Development, Relationships

January 28, 2019

How to Say No Gracefully

Howe to Say No Gracefully