How to Handle Failure & Rejection. Have you ever had one of those days/months/years where you just can’t seem to win? I recently experienced what I could only describe as a day of failure and rejection. I was rejected from a job opportunity I really wanted, lost a big sales opportunity I had been trying to close and missed out on buying what I thought was the perfect property at auction. Whilst these may appear to be seemingly trivial matters, I could not help but feel disheartened and disappointed. After taking a moment to wallow in my sorrows, I began to ponder over the concept of failure and rejection. Surely, […]

Career, Personal Development

April 2, 2018

How to Handle Failure & Rejection

Handle Failure Rejection

How do you start the first 60-90 minutes of your day? Do you follow a strict morning routine, or do you up snoozing, getting stuck in traffic and running late to your job? I am a big believer in following a morning routine. I like to ensure the first 60-90 minutes of my day is spent as effectively as possible.  The first 60-90 minutes of your day is your time! It is the time you have to work on your goals and dreams before you start getting distracted by emails, phone calls and other people’s to-do lists! Here are some of the morning rituals that help me win the day: 1. […]

Organisation, Wellness

March 24, 2018

How to Establish an Effective Morning Routine

Morning routine

Each year, Forbes magazine publishes their list of the world’s most powerful women. This definitive annual audit considers the heads of state, iconic entrepreneurs, CEOs, celebrity role models, billionaire activists and pioneer philanthropists, all ranked according to net worth, media momentum, influence and impact. It is no surprise then that Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Anna Wintour and Beyonce Knowles are frequent contenders, topping this chart year upon year. So what does it take to become a successful woman? There are certain universal qualities and characteristics which powerful and successful women possess, including: 1. KNOWLEDGE Successful women are knowledgeable women. They become subject matter experts in their field. They spend hours […]

Career, Personal Development

February 22, 2018

3 Qualities of Successful Women

Successful women

Writing your resume can be one of the most daunting and challenging tasks when looking for a new role. An up to date resume is something that all professionals should possess.  So how do you write a resume like a pro? Below is an outline of my key tips and items to incorporate: 1. CONTACT DETAILS Ensure your contact details are at the top of your resume. This includes your full name, number, email address and location. Full home address and DOB are not relevant and therefore not required. 2. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Outline your professional profile with a simple tag line summarising your experience and skills. For example, ‘Highly motivated […]


February 20, 2018

How to Write a Resume Like a Pro

Write a resume

How to get started in your career. Getting started in your career and the corporate world can be a very daunting stage in life. I recall being a university graduate and having absolutely no clue on how to get started in my career. I did what any other hopeful graduate would do, and applied for over 100 jobs via until I finally got called into an interview for an entry level position! To say it was one of the most disheartening stages of my life would be an understatement. Here are my top tips on how to get started in your career: 1. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO DO […]


February 19, 2018

How To Get Started In Your Career


2017 is shaping up to be the biggest and busiest year of my life. Between working 50-60 hours a week in my professional career, consulting, blogging, planning a wedding, working out daily and having some sort of social life, it is safe to say that maintaining balance in life is not always easy. Although I have multiple balls up in the air, I have developed a few life hacks to stay organised and maintain balance in my life which I will share with you below. Living a balanced life starts by: 1. Knowing your Priorities What are your goals and what are you working towards? I am a big believer […]

Organisation, Wellness

February 25, 2017

How to Live a Balanced Life

work out

Being self-made means having become rich or successful by your own efforts. It means that you are fully accountable for your own success, and for where you are in all aspects of your life. So how does one become self-made? It all starts by… 1. LIVING BELOW YOUR MEANS This is a big one, and also one that took me some time to learn. Believe me when I say I have not always been great with my money, and would have to exercise some serious restraint to not buy the latest pair of Louboutins, and instead use that money to save or invest in my future. If you are 28 […]

Career, Personal Development

February 13, 2017

How To Become Self-Made


5 Habits of Highly Effective People. Have you ever gotten yourself into a slump or developed some really lazy habits? Have you tried to get yourself into a good morning routine, but just can’t commit to getting yourself up that little bit earlier each morning? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. I have to admit, I started developing some pretty bad habits towards the end of last year. I was going to bed really late, snoozing my alarm multiple times and missed my gym session more often than not. By the time I made it home, I was so exhausted that all I […]

Career, Personal Development

January 29, 2017

5 Habits of Highly Effective People

Handle Failure Rejection